● Power of alcohol didn't change me
I had been living for 14 years with drinking alcohol everyday to cheat myself because of regret, hatred and disconsolation which were resulted from one happening until the day I was saved on the 26th December 2004.
I tried to get back to myself, but the more time passed by, the deeper darkness I fell into. I could not recover myself and I had got neurosis. I had decided to die many times. I used the power of alcohol to remove the disconsolation, but I always got back to the same situation. I tried many ways to come out of it, but nothing could pull me out of the situation.
● I was in a jail of a darkness
When I was in such a situation, I met one Christian. By seeing that person, I felt my silliness and weakness very deeply. That person did not tell me about God, but I felt God by the positive attitude and warm-heartedness of that person. To the contrary, I had seen my real self.
The real myself in my imagination was the figure that was sitting small and never moved in a jail in a darkness. Since then, I was in despair of my life and was scared. For the first time of my life, I felt I needed help from somebody and thought that I could get help if I went to the church.
● The light was shinning on me who was led to a church
However, I was afraid that I, who was dirty, would dirty the church. But the church people said, 'God is waiting for you. Your friends are waiting for you, too.' I had made decision to go to the church, hoping that I could change. And I finally went to the church on 26 December for the first time.
I was touched by the way people were giving praise and worship, and my mind was soothed. When the pastor prayed for my salvation and blessing, I could not control myself crying, although I had never cried in front of others. At that time, I distinctively remember that light was shining on me who was in a jail in darkness.
Since that day, I have been healed and given power and bravery. I could be able to take things positively. It was like I was not suffering at all before that. Since the day I was saved, I suddenly could not drink the alcohol
which I used to drink every day. I was completely released from alcohol.
● Released from cigarette through thanksgiving
I didn't smoke for 3 days in Nagasaki. When I was baptized by water and also by Holy Spirit, I wished to quit smoking so that I, as the temple of the Lord, could keep holy. And yet, I was not sure if I could quit or not.
However, I could stop smoking for completely 1 week when I participated in Merlin-Children U.S. team by blessing of the Lord. After I returned to Japan, I could stop smoking without suffering much, despite temptation. It was because I deeply thanked God. That was unbelievable!
My thanksgiving to the Lord released me from alcohol and cigarette. Also I now can give thanks very easily to the Lord about my long-time suffering. Now I know everything turns good to me by my experience. I give thanks to the Lord.
'but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.' Isaiah 40:31 (New International Version)
Nobuyuki Sumiyoshi, Osaka city, Osaka