Request for support to build a children’s care center (orphanage ) in Fukushima

We feel led to establish a children’s care center (orphanage) in Koriyama City, Fukushima. People living there were affected by the Tohoku earthquake on March 11th, 2011, in which many lost their lives.

Fukushima not only suffered from the earthquake and tsunami, but it has also been the area most affected by the nuclear disaster and radiation leak.

Several hundred children became orphans (*), and many people there have endured great suffering and loss of employment.

We hear that the number of those who commit suicide is increasing amid the difficulties.

It is thought that many problems, including the collapse of family structure, will occur from now on due to these lingering problems.

We can rightfully assume that the children in this area will suffer the most, not only those left orphaned, but also those experiencing abuse and many other serious problems.

To give what help we can, a children’s care center (orphanage) is needed. 

Please pray for this important work, and raise up your hands to support it.  

(*There are 240 orphans who lost both of their parents and another 1,360 children who lost either of their parents in the Tohoku Earthquake, as of February 14, 2012.)

We are planning to build a children’s care center (orphanage) in Koriyama City, Fukushima.

The planned children’s care center in Koriyama City will have a capacity of between 13 and 19 children.

We believe this is an appropriate starting size, and we plan to expand the building in the future. To complete the first stage of construction will cost, according to our construction company’s estimate, approximately two hundred million yen and five hundred tsubo of land.

Assuming the land costs 2 hundred thousand yen per one tsubo, it will be 1 hundred million yen.

The land cost is estimated so that the price might change.

Altogether we think that the land and the building cost will be 3 hundred million yen.

We ask you to pray for and support this project.

<The progresses up until now>

In the beginning, God told us to establish a children’s care center (orphanage) in the devastated area, and we started to move forward, aiming for Miyagi and Fukushima as our targets. 

In Japan, there are two ways to care for orphans and children who have problems. The first is with a small-sized family home that accommodates up to six children. The other option is to establish a larger-sized children’s home (orphanage).

At first, we thought of building a small family home. However, Fukushima has a policy of not approving this kind of family home.

Miyagi told us that we would not be able to build a family home because some other organizations had already applied to them for building a family home. (They said that because of their budget.) So there was no possibility of our building a family home.

Regarding a children’s care center (orphanage), Miyagi has a policy of not approving, so it was impossible for us to establish it there. But Fukushima told us that they would consider approving a new one if we decided to build it in the area.

And there is currently no children’s care center (orphanage) in Koriyama City. So they are eager to have children's care centers (orphanage) there.

However, children’s care centers (orphanage) must be built according to the law in Japan. For building even a small-sized children’s care center (orphanage), it will cost about two hundred million yen. 

Also we heard that all available city-owned property has been used for the temporary housing of disaster victims. Therefore we will not be able to use the city’s land for a children’s care center.

Therefore we need to buy a piece of land. It cost about one hundred million yen for a 500-tsubo property.

Because of the above factors, we decided to buy land and build a children’s care center in Koriyama City with the cost being 3 hundred million yen in total.

We feel that the Lord’s hand is on this plan, so we expect that He will perform a miracle.

Please join us in this work of God through your prayers and support.





A/C NUMBER : 0120-2915961

MANE : NPO The Conerstone Orphange Japan



April 7, 2012

Preparatory Committee for building an orphanage in Japan

NPO, The Cornerstone Orphanage