Pastor Matsuda who email the directions to Nagoya.
But Koyaji stop thinking in the complexity of the road circuit in the Kansai region (ー.ー…
All right?ヽ(;▽;)ノ
Than before but it works? That pattern (¯ ー ¯)
Do you why does not this work? I wish I could fly If you was.
I think I’m better door anywhere!
What? This conversation like Koyaji(ー ー;)
I’m also not saying what (‘ε `)
Of everyday conversation.
This state is also entering the service area.
Excuse me( ̄ー ̄;
I can’t read(−_−;
We were finally moving!
After 160 km from here to the hotel!
Exit the Keiji Bypass( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
I exit traffic jam in the post!
Is it okay in this way? (-_-?
I think maybe it’s okay (¯ ー ¯)
As is all right to pray while.
It was OK!( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
It has been falling at last( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
We was rush!
Then, it is about 130 km at the hotel( ̄▽ ̄)
The moon was out when looking out the window of the car.
Well, this figure will have or represent?
And this remains,we arrived at 11 too?
Everyonesaid,”We was hungry.”
We Came to talk of going to the service area.
Service area can not be found!
Now what happens Gifts
We’ve found!
Service Area
Rah rah rah rah Lara Lara ♫ ー
Too hungry
Samuel began suddenly to sing from the north country.
Are you all right?