関西・九州 賛美と宣教の旅 パウロ秋元 http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/ Paul Akimoto's Praise and Mission Trip in Kansai and Kyushu Sun, 06 May 2012 06:45:02 +0000 ja hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.3.2 The trip in Kansai and Kyushu http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/the-trip-in-kansai-and-kyushu/ http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/the-trip-in-kansai-and-kyushu/#comments Sat, 05 May 2012 22:11:34 +0000 a.stone.staff http://astone.tv/missiontrip/?p=1879 Thank you for visiting our blog.
Also we appreciate translators.

This is Fukuoka Tower.

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Thank you very much http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/thank-you-very-much/ http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/thank-you-very-much/#comments Sat, 05 May 2012 22:09:53 +0000 a.stone.staff http://astone.tv/missiontrip/?p=1875 We appreciate your works until late on Saturday.
We can see the full moon in the sky.

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Final flight http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/final-flight/ http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/final-flight/#comments Sat, 05 May 2012 22:08:31 +0000 a.stone.staff http://astone.tv/missiontrip/?p=1872 The Holy Meeting was a blessing.
We sent Pastor Paul off at the final flight in Fukuoka.
It takes about 17 from the meeting place to Fukuoka Airport where is located in the city area.

http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/final-flight/feed/ 0
Message http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/message-7/ http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/message-7/#comments Sat, 05 May 2012 22:06:05 +0000 a.stone.staff http://astone.tv/missiontrip/?p=1868 From Joshua chapter 1, Josuha went forth against the strong enemies as they had the vision. And there’re times when the vision accomplish. Even if God gave them the land of Canna and they had not go forth, they would have not seen the fulfillment. Joshua’ faith had been gowned up during the wilderness trip for 40 years. So they went forth to the impossible things.

http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/message-7/feed/ 0
Praise by Pastor Paul http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/praise-by-pastor-paul/ http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/praise-by-pastor-paul/#comments Sat, 05 May 2012 21:58:04 +0000 a.stone.staff http://astone.tv/missiontrip/?p=1863 There was the deep presence of God. Some of them shed tears.

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Short message http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/short-message-4/ http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/short-message-4/#comments Sat, 05 May 2012 21:56:40 +0000 a.stone.staff http://astone.tv/missiontrip/?p=1859 Pastor Kosuda spoke to us about the voice of God from Judges 6:14; “Go in this might of yours… Have I not sent you?”

http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/short-message-4/feed/ 0
Worship together http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/worship-together-3/ http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/worship-together-3/#comments Sat, 05 May 2012 21:52:35 +0000 a.stone.staff http://astone.tv/missiontrip/?p=1856 We worship the Lord with about 20 people.

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Seminary by Pastor Paul http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/seminary-by-pastor-paul/ http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/seminary-by-pastor-paul/#comments Sat, 05 May 2012 21:51:28 +0000 a.stone.staff http://astone.tv/missiontrip/?p=1853 He spoke to us to explain simply from Acts 2:16-21.  The character of the former rain and the latter rain are the work of the spiritual gifts. God tells us through dreams, visions to all the churches not to special vessels. It means that the accomplish of Joel’s prophecy has began.

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Prophecy seminar http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/prophecy-seminar-5/ http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/prophecy-seminar-5/#comments Sat, 05 May 2012 21:31:51 +0000 a.stone.staff http://astone.tv/missiontrip/?p=1849 In the 2nd half, Pastor Isaiah told us from “Obedience to God, phase 2″. The base to listen to the voice of God is the Bible, and the work of prophecy is base on the Bible.

http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/prophecy-seminar-5/feed/ 0
Also in the car http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/also-in-the-car/ http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/also-in-the-car/#comments Sat, 05 May 2012 21:29:04 +0000 a.stone.staff http://astone.tv/missiontrip/?p=1846 He’s also checking in the car.
He’s worried about a traffic jam.

Pastor Kosuda is tensed to see a patrol car. What did you do something?

http://astone.tv/missiontrip/en/also-in-the-car/feed/ 0