のんびり四国、宣教の旅 パウロ秋元牧師

Pastor Paul Akimoto, A Peaceful Mission Trip in Shikoku

Prayer of Healing


Arrived at the hospital.

With Pastor Yorokobi Takahashi waiting for us to meet.

On prayer that one could speak.

It’s still a time to the meeting and are on the rest finishing the check-in at the hotel.

The Seminar of Charisma, Kochi


Has Started by the prayer of Pastor Yorokobi Takahashi, Kochi!

The townscape from the meeting place.
Best view (^-^)

In the first part of the seminar, Pastor Jerusalem Sugisawa is delivering the seminar focusing on the sward given by the Holy Spirit from Chapter fourteen of “Prophecy.”

In the second part of the seminar, he is talking from the prophecy through Joel in Chapter two of Acts. Our spiritual eyes are opened like the scales fell from our eyes.

Some are earnestly listening to ? Some are falling into sleep?
Depend on you!

Kochi Charismatic Meeting


Guiding you to the place of the charismatic meeting in the last location.

Stop a little. Can you see?


Drawing near, I found. It was Kochi-jo Castle.


Here’s the meeting place capable of seating 150. It comes soon when the capacity is over. We rejoice and give thanks to the Lord.


Kochi Charismatic Meeting


Has started with the prayer by Associate Pastor Kitaoka.


In the first praise time. His profound presence was manifested while spiritual oppression was permitted.


Pastor Yorokobi Takahashi preached the brief message from Chapter thirty-one Verse three of Book of Jeremiah.  The blessing of God’s word and the depth of His grace was told.

Kochi Charismatic Meeting


The very final of the final.  The time of the second praise time and the message.
I miss a little〜〜〜〜〜〜


The first part of prophecy


YouTube Video

The second part of prophecy


YouTube Video

Message delivered from Chapter eight Verse five to thirteen of Book of Matthew. Focusing on the word of God from a centurion, the word of God is fulfilled if we practice as the word is mentioned.  Amen !


Kochi Charismatic Meeting


The meeting was closed in benediction.  Thank You (^-^)/


The time of ministry which is blessing, follows after benediction.
Confirmed the work with the signs and the wonders that accompany the word of God.


Are setting things in order at last.  Thank You! We give thanks to You!!


A Lot of Grace and Blessing are Given


Please rest enough at the last of the last.
Thank you so much.

To Kochi Ryoma Airport


Good morning, everybody!

This is a famous place named “Harimayabashi”.

A long time ago, on a school trip to Kochi, I tried to look for the place of “Harimayabashi”.

We’re almost to arrive at Kochi Ryoma Airport.

We’ll have the next charismatic meeting on August 20. We’ll look forward to seeing you at Takamatsu Airport. Thank you very much.

This time’s charismatic meeting in Shikoku is over. Thank you!