About Charisma
Charisma is from Greek Charis (grace) which means gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I Corinthians chapter 12 through 14 talks about the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
There are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, those who received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, will receive at least one or more gifts.
The Bible explains the gifts as the gifts for the church and it should be used under the authority of the church and used in an orderly manner and also teaches us to discern. So then the foundation for use of Charisma is that we need to remember discernment and use it under the authority of the church.
If we correctly use the gifts of the Spirit, we will see the work of the wonderful glory of God and the Lord’s glory will be revealed.
■Nine gifts written in the Bible
Word of knowledge: it is not man’s knowledge but the knowledge (information) from God. We will be given some unknown information by God.
Word of wisdom: Practical use of knowledge. We will be given more information or instructions. It will be used more likely with the word of knowledge.
Faith: The faith of those who have been given special faith. Those who have the gift of faith will confess their faith, and through giving witness and those who hear it; their faith will be lifted up.
Healing: Through this gift; physical sicknesses, injuries, mental sicknesses will be healed impressively. It reveals the purpose of healing the sickness and through healing, it will be bring people to salvation.
Power of miracles: This is the gift to reveal remarkable miracles which cannot be explained theoretically. For example, the resurrection of the dead and receiving an eye ball by someone who does not have it.
Prophecy: The gift to receive the word of God. The function will include teaching, exhortation, comfort, encouragement, reveals sin, notice, provision, warning, guidance, indication, and some other functions. Especially when you listen to and obey God, receiving instruction through prophecy will be a big point to proceed the work of God. So then We understand this through the Bible; the work of prophecy has the special place in end-times.
Power of discernment: The power to discern where something comes from; from God, from people, or from Satan. It is important to have the gift to discern spirits since at the end-times there are various spirits movement.
Tongue: The gift by the Spirit to speak which cannot be understood. It will take the form of message and prayer. If it is a message; it will need to be interpreted.
The power to interpret tongues: The gift to interpret tongue. It is like a foreign preacher needs to have an interpreter with him; when the tongue was spoken which nobody understood; we need to have this gift.