さわやか夏の白馬キャンプ ミニカウントダウン 1週間

Who is incharge of making material for staffs


Pastor Kasahara is incharge of making material for staffs


Who is in charge of lunch and meals


Pastor Moses is in charge of packed lunch, and meals
Every year almost 700people join the camp, so we divide people with a period of time to have a meal for two places to eat.
He takes important work concerns with everyone’s stomach, such as dividing people to groups by times and places.

A landscape of Hakuba〜from the window of bus


This picture was taken from the bus window.
Refreshing wind blows over Hakuba of July.

Introduction of the person in charge of Hakuba Camp


Pastor Josef Sanbonmatsu is in charge of arranging a venue.
He is in charge of setting up machinery and materials.
He is the one who arrive at Hakuba camp first among staffs!

Hotel Green Plaza Hakuba


The accommodations of Hakuba camp is Hotel Green Plaza Hakuba.
The locationof the hotel is outstanding. (^^)

PhHakuba camp of Hakuba camp last time


We have uploaded a photograph collection of Hakuba camp year 2011 July.
Please click the banner below to see the photograph collection. (^^)

introduction of the parson in charge of Hakuba camp


Pastor David Maeda is in charge of music. (In the center )
He is in charge of praises and worships.

For Hakuba Gospel Contest


The first prize winner gospel group of last year “Gifts” is practicing for Hakuba gospel contest!



Introduction of the parson in charge of Hakuba camp


Pastor Yoshida is in charge of mothers and babys room!

She is in charge of babys and infants.

  • Introduction of the parson in charge of Hakuba Camp


    We are in charge of MC in the Final Round of Hakuba Gospel Contest.

    Pastor Madoka

    Evangelist Yokoo

    Introduction of Recreation Programs!


    Last year we played softball.
    Usually many of them don’t have enough time to play sports,they eagerly to play and had a enjoyabe time!

    A setting up Division


    Each staff of a setting up and of filming divisions is working hard from morning to evening!

    Receiving blessing from God and also drinking a< vitamin drink!br />