南十字星に向って ブラジル宣教チーム チームの今現在写真中継

Photonews about a Mission Trip to Brazil, Flying off toward Southern Cross, is being Updated


Trivia of Brazil 5


I heard that it was 1908 that Japanese people moved to Brazil at first. They say that Brazil is the most majority population of Brazilian of Japanese in the world. Especially, many Brazilian of Japanese live in São Paulo.

Recently, conversely, many Brazilian of Japanese move to Japan. So they strengthen cultural exchanges.

Trivia of Brazil 6


Information of Brazil:
Capital Brazilia
Difference about 12 hours from Japan
The largest city São Paulo (the 6th largest city in the world)
Population 1.83 hundred million (the 5th place of the world)

Just like that…


This is Yamashita.

In 2008, we lost the way.
So a local man helped us.
Then we could arrive at São Paulo.

When we passed through the road, it was just like that. At that time, the car run at a tremendous speed. I followed the car desperately.



I got it!
Thank you, Lord!
I’ll make my debut of using iPhone!

Good job! Sakaki


I’ll also make my debut of using iPhone for the team to Brazil!

Keep up the good work!



Pastor Sakaki’s taking a lecture for updating the blog. And Pastor Madoka’s taking a lecture for updating her blog from Pastor Hirota.

I also keep going.

Necessary articles #5


This is Yamashita.

necessary articles…

I put a bottle of soy sauce and worcester sauce into my buggage. But sometimes I don’t have chance to use them. Anyway, I’ll bring them.

To tell you the truth, I want to bring mayonnaise. But….



This is Murakami.

I leave pot plants to my parents’ home in Kurashiki. Today I went to see the plants. So the plants look so good that seem to grow up from the beginning into the scene. Plants, you need to be tense!

Practicing a manual car


This is Murakami.

I rent two cars of my father’s favorite, Daihatsu. Now I’m practicing driving a manual car. I reminded of the old memory in Brazil. I feel I need to pray more…Oh, Lord…!

Seminary school


Now the female pastor’s class has finished. They’re relaxing. In the class, they prayed earnestly for a mission team to Brazil.

All night prayer meeting


They pray for our team to Brazil also in the prayer meeting! I feel the power and the grace and the protection because the team will be sent from our church! Thank you!!!



This is Yamashita.

I studied Portuguese because I want to speak “Hello” at least !!!

…It made me fall asleep in a second.

(It’s the application to practice a conversation in Portuguese.)