関西・九州 賛美と宣教の旅 パウロ秋元

Paul Akimoto's Praise and Mission Trip in Kansai and Kyushu

Special Praise


“Gun Gospel Club” praise the lyrics of “Infallibility”.

Short Message


From Pastor Israel Tsugigo:
The works of God manifest at Ohmura Shopping Street.
We’ll also have a street live today.

Because God told us that I would increase the numbers as the sheep flocks, many people will come here.

From Philippians4:4-7:
Everyone is anxious for anything, and everyone has any problems. However we can rejoice. God loves us. He gives us the best thing.

I saw the vision that Jesus was standing when the children’s category started at Praise Contest in Kyushu. Jesus is pleased that we rejoice.

Pastor Paul praises


Praise has began.



At first, we saw the video of overseas mission.



From 1 Corinthians 13:13

In the beginning, God advances His works through the work of praise. So some gospel groups praise even in a temple, he said.

True Hope


The word of God has truly hope.

Blessed is those who hope in God. We can hope in God.

Cleaning and fellowship


We all members are cleaning up the room.

Toward Saga


Next, we’re heading for Saga.

We enter in Saga.



We have lunch at the place of the holy meeting.
What a deluxe lunch box!

Prophecy seminar


In the 1st half, Pastor Isaiah leads the seminar.
He said that you should make preparations to share and teach anyone while you learn about the basic thing of the bible. And when you know the base of obedience to God, your spiritual gifts are advancing more practically.