関西・九州 賛美と宣教の旅 パウロ秋元

Paul Akimoto's Praise and Mission Trip in Kansai and Kyushu

Joel’s Prophecy


In the 2nd half, Pastor Paul told us from Acts 2:16-21.

Since the era of the latter rain has began from the revival at Azusa in 1906, huge churches and huge crusades had began. However the more full-scale things will take place from now on. The Revival will take place not only special vessels but also each one of them who belongs to church. Since that time, the work of prophecy is making a point. That means the manifestation of Joel’s prophecy.



Pastor Elishia Minami and his wife lead our worship.

A capella


She performs a cappella praise.
There’s a strong presence.

Special Praise


Short Message


Pastor Minami speaks to us from the Gospel according to John 3:5.
Unless one is born again, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Praise leading by Pastor Paul


Praise gives us power likely from above.



Pastor Paul tells us from Joshua chapter 1. We have already been given the land of promise. However we should go forth to the land by faith. When we go forth, we’ll be able to see the fulfillment of the Word.

Toward Fukuoka


This is an urban highway in Fukuoka.

Dinner Time


This is a dining room.

Also in the car


He’s also checking in the car.
He’s worried about a traffic jam.

Pastor Kosuda is tensed to see a patrol car. What did you do something?