2012.6/30 日韓ゴスペルの夕べ カウントダウン

Japan-Korea Gospel Evening

Profile of the group visiting Japan #5


Jamey is a gospel singer who releases own CD.
She sings love do God gracefully and powerfully. We look forward what song she will sing this time.

Profile of the group visiting Japan #5


Jamey is a former student of Ms. Han’s church school.
She drove us to and from a prayer mountain in a suburb of LA at the last “Thanks,Praise,Rivival Camp”. We appreciate for your kindness.
A picture is Jamey(right), with Ms. Onijima at the prayer mountain.

Check! This voice


profile of the group visiting Japan #5

This is Jamey.
This a picture that Jamey gave a special song offering at the evening meeting of Korean Entertainers Church in LA, on February 2011.
It was a powerful voice and outstanding singing ability. “destiny”, Jamey’s CD is so great! This is a report from Pastor Faith Sasaki of LA Church.

Profile of the group visiting Japan #6


Ms. Yan is a secretary of LWIM Mission Organization which Ms. Han is the representative, she come to Japan almost every time when Ms. Han visits Japan. She is the fourth from the left.

Profile of the group visiting Japan #7


What is a name of a person who is introduced “Profile of the group visiting Japan #7″?

It is reported she is a pianist will come with Shalon from Korea.
We have not informed her name.
This picture is last time they visited to Japan. I wonder if she is in here or not?

What meeting is this? Is there surprising common point?!


Guess what type of meeting is this?
…..The answer is a meeting of the second daughters.
From the left side of the picture, Zion, Ms. Han, Pastor Faith Sasaki ans Shoko, I don’t know why but all of them are second daughters.
By the way, Pastor Kubota is also a second son. But James is a eldest son, so is a little bit different, He must be an observer?

The truth is this, we were invited for the dinner when we visited to the U.S. in last Feburuary with the Hollywood Team.this picture was taken at that time. The dinner was great. Thank you very much.

The group from Japan #1


Why is he full of joy even though his throat is hoarse?!

This is Josef Sanbonmatsu, a leader of Gospel Seed( the right).
Since Friday his voice has been hoarse, but a joyful thing was happens on Sunday. A Myanmarese family who met on a street live performance came to our church.he took a picture with the husband.

What timbre she will play? Attention!


According James, Shalon’s violin is a quite antique, it is not Stradivari but 100 or 200 years. We expect to hear that.

The group from Japan #2


La Spouza goes to Korea quite often. Ms. Onojima, a leader, was a key person to meet Ms. Han. Ms. Sakaki is quite busy for making arrangements of the Team to Patmos in Europe, also she is playing an active part of preparation of this meeting.

Is here a “Harajuku”?!


The group from Japan #2
This is a recent report from Jesuralem.

Jerusalem, that is popular with the elderly, someone said, went to Sugamo on Sunday.

★Sugamo is a famous town as “Harajuku” for the elderly.

Their response were awesome. We were watched by many people, from little boys to the elderly. We were glad whoever paid their attentions to Gospel. I give thanks for everythingヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ〓



The group from Japan #4
They gave a special song offering at Yoid Full Gospel Church in Seoul Korea,which is the world’s largest Protestant Christian church with a membership of about 770,000.
They hold the seven services A day, when Gifts praised at the church Pasto David Yonggi Cho served, what a surprise it is!!

Revival in Japan is…


God spoke to us that Revival in Japan will take place for the blood of the martyrs, christians’ prayers from the world, especially Korean Christians.

A picture is at Nishizaka where first 26 Martyrs were died for the faith,in Nagasaki Prephecture. Ms. Han and her group also visited.