2012.6/30 日韓ゴスペルの夕べ カウントダウン

Japan-Korea Gospel Evening

A Telephone Call From Ms. Han


We got a call from Ms. Han who is now in Japan. She told that she would be looking forward to Japan-Korea Gospel Evening tomorrow.

Enthusiasm of Mr. Joseph Sanbonmatsu, Who Is Leading Congregation in Praise


He told his enthusiasm about Japan-Korea Gospel Evening, “May the spirit of unity in Japan and Korea be given!!”



The schedule of this visit of Ms. Han and her group got to be decided while Ms. Han was being confirmed through Pastor Faith Sasaki, TLCCC Los Angeles Church from Ms. Ojiro, left in a photo, the department of North America, after Pastor Akimoto told Ms. Ojiro. Then, it’s the concert tomorrow.

Wishes from Jerusalem


We appreciate great performance of gospel and violin at the time of Ms. Han’s visit every year.  Jerusalem also has wishes to be touched with God’s presence together while singing original praises.

La Sposa, A Gospel Group


La Sposa is the group with members of only women.  Every member is a bride. It is said that La Sposa means a bride. That’s true (Smile)


A Lead Vocal of La Sposa


It’s a woman, right in a photo. The lady, the other side, is a member of it, too. It’s the time of making arrangement before Gospel Live TV.  They have good smiling faces.


What’s the purpose of visit?



I asked Ms. Han why they visit this time when she called. She responded that she would serve in gospel and message in each region of Japan, and make an intercessory prayer for Japan.・・・ I remember that the revival in Japan is blood shed by martyrs and prayers by world-wide Christians, especially Korean.
The photo shows prayer in Nishizaka, Nagasaki.



The Time of A Seminary Class


It’s the time of a seminary class. Members of La Sposa and Jerusalem are included.  It is very important not only with gospel but also learning.

Perfect fit!


This is Pastor Faith Sasaki of LA Church and Ms. Han.

They’re members of La Spouza


They have lovely smile faces. Before appearing on the stage..that’s La Spouza! On this day, they wore their own clothes.

After their performance…


They came back here. They prayed for God’s protection during the performance. I took a photo from below. LOL

Ms. Sakaki (right)


Ms. Sakaki designed the flyer of “Japan-Korea Gospel Evening” and created the program. She did them safely. I’m looking forward to seeing them there!!