台風の中を行く 沖縄宣教の旅 パウロ秋元牧師

Pastor Paul Akimoto: Going on His Mission Trip to Okinawa during typhoons

The Seminar by Pastor Akimoto


He is holding the seminar from the part of Joel’s prophecy in Acts 2.
Many are seriously listening, taking notes by themselves.

Second Fulfillment


Joel’s prophecy is the type of the one that is fulfilled twice with one prophecy.
It says that the time of the second fulfillment is “the great and gloriously appearing day of the Lord”, the second coming of Jesus, and “before the  . . . . . . . . .day of the Lord.”

Here We Starts!


When the prophecy of Joel is fulfilled, the Spirit is poured down on each member of each church, so that the work of spiritual gifts are manifested strongly not through only one super star but through many people.
Also, the work through dreams and visions, that is visions from God, is opened.
It will start!!

A Time of Praise and Worship For Congregation


People are coming one after another!

Pastor Nakamoto Is Leading


A musical performance is also great.

Message by Pastor Nakamoto


The Scripture is Romans 10:17.

Special Song


They are sons of Pastor Nakamoto.

Praise and Worship by Pastor Akimoto


The time of praise and worship for congregation

Message by Pastor Akimoto


Judges 6:14

The Word of God


Hearing Words of God, many of us don’t realize.
Even if we are told through words of prophecy, we don’t realize and then we don’t take  in spite of listening together.
It is important for us to take Words of God as Words of God in order to see the blessing of God and the manifestation of His Glory.



People are standing in a line to take a prayer.

Good morning!


They’ll provably fly today!

They leave the hotel.

Naha Airport


This is the terminal.

That is the station of the monorail.

Now they’re going to check in.

Thank you very much for your ministry


He’s a seasoned traveler.

Thank you very much for your ministry in Okinawa.

We’re looking forward to seeing you in Hakuba again!