Pastor Manna’s church


He said that the church was considerably drowned in the flood last year.

It looks like a bookstore.

The church seats 200.

After that…


We passed through..

And crossed the river

Because it’s very hot, Pastor Matsumoto wraps a towl on his head.

We wait for a boat


We’ll move by boat for 3 minutes.

On foot


We walked at the side of the booths.

we walked.

And we walked.

We walked for 20 minutes.
Then the local pastor as a guide said, “We’ll be back”.

Thank you!

Take a break for a while


We took a break for a while.

Then we went back to the way.

We walked.

And we walked…

“Will you post this feelings?”

Pastor Kasahara of “Gifts” brought some bottles of water just like an army.

It’s not as easy as it seems for the work of the praise band.
Of course, another members brought the heavy equipment while walking.

We walked…

And we walked…

To be continued.

They Seem To Be Very Interesting


Taking photos.

The concert is over!
We could present the CD to the director!
Thank God!

This child offered to shake hands.

Good-bye!!! See you again.

Unbelievable !!


The party left for home.

Another place gave permission for our performance where we wanted to perform first, then asked but they refused because it was belong to a Buddhist temple, so we went to ask to the Buddhist temple, they allowed us with a condition!

The condition was this: “Upload what you did live performance at this place on your homepage”

Yes, we do fulfill our duty!

A mini-live has started!

Going Back Getting On A Boat


On the way


On the way of the home, we stopped by at the church, and we were given bananas!

Again, we changed cars,

Starting over again!
It’s comfy!
Thank you for your prayer!

On the other hand, some of us have a stomach ache for the heat or fatigue, please pray for them.

Going Through No.1 Bridge in Thailand


Having Dinner


This is the huge house!

Also, the meal looks delicious and there are many kinds of dishes.

Flying Squirrel?


They have a small flying squirrel.
Pastor Akimoto is touching.

On the other hand, John is tasting a coconut milk.