梅雨明け間近の中国地方を行く パウロ秋元牧師

Pastor Paul Akimoto: Traveling to Chugoku Area Just Before the End of the Rainy Season

The angel a multitude of the heavenly host


The audience and the angel a multitude of the heavenly host

Prophecy seminar


About the latter rain

Taking a break


We enjoy looking at our blog. We’re still surrounding with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host.

Short message


From Naaman

The angel a multitude of the heavenly host


The numbers of heavenly army are increasing. So they say that this place is small.

Awesome presence of the Lord


What awesome presence of the Lord!
And there’re still the angel a multitude of the heavenly host.
After that, we’ll move to have lunch.

We’ve found Hosho (King)!


After one minute, we’ve found the restaurant named Housho (King). We’ve already decided what kind of dishes to order.

Challenge to a puzzling ring


Before dishes coming, if we solve the puzzling ring, the dishes will discount.

Shrimp chili sauce set


Shrimp chili sauce set.
It costs 760 yen. Ummmm…Yummy!

A little bit too late


Puzzling ring. I’ve heard if I solve it, it will make a discount. But, it was 30 seconds late.

Guests line up!


When we entered the restaurant, it was not crowded at around 12:15. But, now, guests line up!

Tottori is a good place


As soon as we went out from the restaurant, we can see the mountain and the river in colored greens. Tottori is one of the smallest population in Japan. It’s a good place.

Message by Pastor Akimoto


From Joshua 1:1-6, the time has changed for the 14 years, 14 years and 14 years cycle. Also, a mission work has changed since last November. Now it is the time of the fuillfuilment of the promise. As Joshua did, even if he had nothing, he tried to go forth according to the word of God. Then, God would open His way!

Taking a rest at a prefectural boundary drive-in


This is Kuro mountain road.