The next door of the office of publication company is a lunch box shop.
I got it for ¥250 that was discounted by ¥100. Thanks.

I thought that’s all only with cereal. . . but. . .
I was not full and then . .
I remembered that I got “OYAKI” from Pastor H, K Church, at a store “Swiss Village” with a message of thanksgiving to me, and decided to eat.
Best if you use by 30 September.
It keeps very long!
I enjoyed. I gave thanks.
A monthly magazine,”September issue, The Appearance of A Rainbow in the Clouds” in PDF was sent to Astone.
Oh! It’s done as a compressed file.
Technic is advanced. (*^_^*)
Arranging and making everything in PDF as one monthly magazine.
The remaining is the part of cartoon.
Evangelist Obata, please make it!
Order to Astone Shop, please.