2012.8. 教会の夏の一週間

Part time job place


I’m Joy.

I’m coming a place of my part time job, today.

I’m working at a public institution, various types of people come here.
We provide a sign like this and communication board in writing(I forgot to take a picture) for people who are hard of hearing.

I’m Majikina


I eat at a restaurant where I alway go!

Astone The assignment is due to complete today


I’m Phoebe of Astone. One assignment is due to complete today.

Today is cooler than usual, it makes work easily.

I will start a new assignment from next week. Thank God!

Mr. Masukawa!


I’m working as a guard at an elementary school in Kunitachi city !

To Gotanda



I’m heading for an office of the Cornerstone Orphanage now!

Evangelist Fujii


Today, I joined a prayer meeting of Mission’s section by Skype in the morning.

I’m thankful that I am able to join the meeting even I’m in my  family home!
After the prayer meeting, it’slunch time with pizza that were made by my nephew and niece. After a short break, I’m going to looking for news for today’s photonews!

Migiwa chan: Ar the service


Suddenly, my child went to a Children’s Hall…..

I kept praying during Firday Worship Service.

I was told that my child had a fun time at the Hall!

Also I could pick him up in time~Thank God☆

The September issue has arrived!


Here is a office of “The Appearance of  A Rainbow in The Clouds”.

September issue of a monthly magazine, “The Appearance of The Rainbow in the Clouds” have arrived.  Today is a day od mailing.  Waiting for a little while!


At Church Office


Here is church office.

I have a linchpin from now.

I bring Obento box!

I packed leftovers.

I’m Suzuya of Filming Department !


Ms. Terumi and I visited where Gospel Seed practiced yesterday.

Pastor Sanbonmatsu was on. High.
We checked last part of Kokoro Gospel Concert.

It seems to be well arranged!

After I came back home, I helped to make a homepage of Kokoro Gospel English version.

This back is a work of  the artist Terumi!