
Dresden is


I heard that Ms. Yoshizumi’s husband is a member of Dresden Philharmonic orchestra!

Also Dresden is closely connected with Martin Luther who led the Reforemation!

I feel that things are profound.

A photo is a statue of Martin Luther.


Main lecturer


This is Pastor Paul Akimoto!

He is a main lecturer of the second half of the session!


In the meeting


PA booth is getting tense and rushin the Charisma meeting!

Everyone work seriously


McDonald’s at Dresden


McDonald’s at Dresden serves sausage berger!

What a surprise!

I want to bite it!

Also at the Charisma meeting,


Through a congregational praise at Hakuba Camp, God poured out wonderful blessings upon us, also through a congregational praise at the Charisma meeting you will be able to recieve wonderful pouring from heaven!

Don’t miss it and come and join the meeting with expecting God!


Yumi chan who is a master of ceremony


This time she is also in chage of a master of cermony of a classical music concert.

I was wondring how does she handle it!

Give it all you’ve got!


Night at Dresden


This photo is a night view at winter season.

The illumination are so beautiful!


From now


Today from now there will be an Internet committee.

we pray for the contents of Homepage mainly, and also make sure of the Charisma meeting on Sunday!


New face


He is a new staff member of Tokyo Antioch Church.

But he seems like getting use to!

Thank you for your work at the Charisma meeting!

Evangelism Division


Pastor Kubota who is in charge of Evangelism Division.

They will look after new comers at the Charisma meeting!



Good morning!

Charisma Meeting in Tokyo will be held in three days.

We had a meeting for the Internet last night.
We prayed for the work of the Internet.

God told us that we should strength the work of our movie, abridge version.

We need the structure for our movie or drama.

We expect of God!

This is the photo of the Internet Committee.



This is the photo that we cleaned the room and loaded our stuffs to our auto in the Tokyo charisma meeting.

They seemed tired, but they kept up the work smoothly.

Film Department


During setting up for a movie in the charisma meeting, Emichan and Yuichan seem to take a rest for a while.

Hot in Tokyo


It’s over 30 degrees every day. So please be careful to have a heatstroke and sunstroke!

Also, Tokyo Charisma Meeting is exciting!

Especially, an ice-cream is tasty in this hot season!

This is the Dresden ice-cream!
It looks delicious.