2012.9. 児童養護施設(孤児院)設立支援に向かって沖縄への旅

To Nishiogikubo atation


I go through the super market as usual!

By Sobu line


I got on the train!
It has more space than I thought.
But, it is chilly today.

Passing Koenji


The sign of station name looks dark.

Research of the land


We have researched the land for children’s care center few times.
We filmed video every time, and this is Pastor Denishi filming it.
He is the pastor of our church!



I transfer to Yamate line at Shinjuku station!

It is crowded!


It is not the rush hour, but it is crowded.
It is a little hot here.

Land for children’s care center #2


This is the land where it takes 20 minutes by car from Koriyama city station, and this lot is 850 tsubo.
But we have to level the land, and remove radioactive substances before we built a building.
The price of the land is hundred and ten million yen.
We are told that we can negotiate!

Aizu Bandaisan!


This is another land we are considering for children’s care center where around Aizu Bandaisan.
There is refrain for traditional songs “Sucho, Sucho”, that means “go for the victory” is we translate in Hebrew!

Passing Gotanda


This is where the office of The Cornerstone orphanage is.

Arrived at Shinagawa


I arrived at Shinagawa.
Here, I change to Tokyu line for Haneda airport.