For 96 percent of population in Northern Uganda, cost of living is below 2400 yen per day.
The average yearly income for a person is $300 in Uganda. It is only 2500 yen
if we consider one dollar as 100 yen.
In urban cities, income of the drink manufacture is just 5000 yen per month and it is 10000 yen per month
for a social worker.
Prices are widely different in local commodities and imported ones.
Beef: 31,000Ush /6kg * about 15 yen per one gram
Rice: 103,000Ush / 50kg * about 61 yen per one kilo gram
Cooking oil: 63,000Ush / 20l
Tomato (a bag of tomato): 5,000Ush
Banana (about three bunches of bananas) : 5,000Ush
48 bottles of Pepsi Cola and others : 26,000Ush