9/3~9/11ウガンダチーム 最新情報写真集

The Uganda Team from 3 through 11 Sept. : Latest News Photoalbum

Wifi in Uganda


MTM Uganda is provided as the plan of unlimited packet discount overseas by SoftBank.
But it has problems according to area.
It might be sure if we rent GlobalData wifi 1580 yen per day with insurance covered.


Machingun Preacher


This is the movie about the life of Pastor Sam Childers, saved from a former drug-dealer, started the orphanage in South Sudan to rescue children in Sudan and Uganda who are forced to suffer from  by LRA.

Before the team is sent to Uganda, God told us how Uganda is now through this movie.

Department of Africa3, The Water Flowing From The Sanctuary Mission


Ms. Tamiya returned to the office of the Mission after finishing exchange at the third shop.
But, still she hates photo.

Sound of Siren from Boxes !


Got a phone call from Rev. Nagato who visited the blog!
He advised, ” Why don’t you wrap with paper to avoid conducting electricity
if you set batteries in megaphones? ”
Yes, thank you for your advise (^◇^;) since sound of siren already came out of boxes.

History of Christianity In Uganda 4


In 1882, the White Fathers withdrew from Uganda,
when they recommended small groups remained in the country to pray and learn Bible.
Then, in ’84, Kabaka Muteesa died and Mwanga, the prince and a son of Muteesa,
succeeded.  Since then, the mission organization had entered again.  Spiritual teaching was
faithfully done to groups after missionaries left. Joseph Msaka serving in the palace,
was the main of leaders.

Work, Department of Africa, The Water Flowing From The Sanctuary Mission


Thanks to advice, I am putting transparent adhesive tape on batteries
to avoid conducting electricity.

Ms. Tamiya, hey sister!
I made it!

I am going to talk through megaphone!

If it comes like…

Ms. Terumi comes now-!!

Work 2, Department of Africa, The Water Flowing From The Sanctuary Mission


Accounting, accounding . . .

Blog, blog  . . .

In the office of the Mission in the evening.

Take It Easy!


Today is so blessed, thank you!
Ms. Tamiya is getting smaller and smaller…

Children hide themselves


Children are forced to hide themselves from LRA to church or something in a group.

A western lowland gorilla


A western lowland gorilla  is the mammals classified into ape eye (Primates)

-belongs to hominids-gorilla  lives in the African central part.