Seminary enterd in the latter term from today.
In the class, we are preparing for Uganda team, just before stating.
Tamiya-san, in charge of Africa in Mission Department and pastor Yumino, in charge of the class are talking about the team.
Now the class started !
He seems to wake up as a team member.
Tamiya-san, in charge of Africa are making a report to the mission president.
It seems busy just before the team starting !
Before the class, the prayer subject of team completed.
Imai-san are handing that.
It looks her eyes are bloodshot.
In the class, he is explanation about the team.
are praying for the team.
Just completed prayer subject are sent for whole country.
We sent megaphones and sweets to the airport for taking to Uganda.
Writing address…
saw the movie, ” The machine gun preacher” and have interesting to the situation of Uganda.
has to prepare medicines
” rough and various “.
They got these just before starting.