Praise the Lord from the Rocky Mountains! (Praise The Lord!)
※ "Praise the Lord from the Rocky Mountains", the monthly "rainbow in the clouds" (published in the rainbow among the clouds) is a popular series. In our content, we have just reprinted an article that contains the testimony of Pastor Appreciation Kamidate.
Holly has a street named Alameda Street and the city of Denver. Centered around the two cross streets, Jewish schools, Jewish community centers, synagogues, and have several. A so-called Jewish Quarter. Not many Jews in Denver and 68,000. However, in the Jewish quarter is the will on Saturday, the men wearing their heads Kippa and men wearing hats in the dress black, if you are walking toward the synagogue women in long skirts, like in Israel like it. In addition, the area's supermarkets are also a rich food for the Jews, called Kosheru.
At the end of last year, bought a condo in the 25-year-old Jewish district of this. Garage floor has one bedroom and living room on the second floor, has become the third floor loft. Upon buying a house, there had been praying. It is also home complaints come from below even the loud, was that. From that point, this property is perfect. In addition, large living room has been used in worship.
When I started house hunting, but this area was first presented, the property was purchased with my budget. Therefore, he was looking for an affordable property in another area, "wrong direction" and is shown in accordance with the main show, and found again looking for property. But a little old, likes the feel calm if there is taste in its own way. To buy a house actually had a reason. It's father died four years ago her daughter was destined for her daughter so that the pension. However, this does not mean that pensions should be used for her daughter, it was necessary to operate in a tangible form. Such as having a home, I did not dream. God's guidance really is far beyond our thoughts. Praise the Lord!
There are counter between kitchen and living room condo, sitting tall in Bath Tours, often drink coffee. It is also essential along with coffee and sweets. Recently, quite accustomed to the intense sweetness of the United States, may feel a thing insufficient to slightly Japanese sweets. Early days and we met her husband with a sweet tooth like me, my husband brought me a blueberry muffin well. As a matter of fact, this my marriage important to determine the life, he had been misled by the failure of that blueberry muffin. Every day, every day, he brought me a blueberry muffin, marriage was conceived of as not-sweet blueberry muffins. (The reader is not such a failure for this experience, the Rev. Isaiah Kihara real "marriage blessed in the Lord" to learn, and hope sincerely hope that a good marriage). This marriage was to be a blueberry muffin sweet life, say the actual marriage, it became a very tough life out in such a Mexican jalapeno. Life is so sweet and not found. And experience the pain of divorce during pregnancy. Cried many times.
In their suffering, God met with pastors of The Light of Eternal Agape, "thank you" I learned that Kudasatta. In each one as we were taught to appreciate, fear, anxiety, and given the freedom from hatred, such is the emotional scars healed beautifully. The Bible says, "Kudasaru and benefits and all that God has worked," that says. The truth of this word, you are feeling now. Marriage was a disaster. However, my servants became a place of her husband's hometown. Child support can be alimony, the husband did not you even out childbirth expenses. However, thanks to her husband's house was given to this. It's best to worst was reversed. "Thank you" must know that, condolences to the past forever, life would be had walking the dark. Maybe, something in the corner shop, karaoke, microphone in hand, "-haters, if ~ H ~ I am unhappy," and let the fists, could have been sung with feeling. And, of course, is the birthplace of her husband, "Denver" in "and" I also wanted to hear a character, absolutely would not come to Denver. However, thanks to dramatically change your life. We have parents in this place in Denver, where the grace of God to walk in the light. The grace of this wonderful, heartfelt praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!
(Monthly "rainbow in the clouds," reprinted from the minutes published in April 2011)