God's Protection and Blessing in and through the Traffic Accident
Israel Masako Sakaki (Resident in Yokohama, Kanagawa-ken)
The car spun out of control on a highway in heavy snow! We were protected perfectly from any injury. However, the engine could not be turned on and phone call did not go through. Why? Even though I could not thank God, something happened when I forced myself to thank God.
The accident occurred on the 31st December 2004, when there was a heavy snowfall in 24 years. My husband and I were driving to my 80-years-old-mother's house in order to spend the years-end and beginning of year together. After we passed the Urawa tollbooth, it snowed heavier. Suddenly my husband lost control of the steering wheel and the car spun. I shouted, 'help!' Left front part of the car knocked against the wall of the highway, it half turned again and left rear part of the car knocked against the wall and the car stopped spinning finally. I asked my husband, ' Are you OK? Are you not injured?' He nodded without a word. How wonderful! In such a situation, God saved our lives and completely protected us from any injury! Just after the car stopped, a large container truck passed just next to us. If our car stopped several seconds later, we must have been severely injured or dead at the spot.
Then we tried to turn on the engine, but it could not be turned on. We tried to call the insurance company by our cell phones, but the line was engaged. The line to the road service was also engaged. We just could not do anything in the snow. Then I suddenly had feelings mixed of confusion and anger, 'God! Why do you let this happen to us?!'
Give thanks to God for every single matter
I started my prayer of thanksgiving, although I could not. 'God, thank you that you saved our lives and protected us from any single injuries. I thank you from my heart that our car did not collide with other cars and thank you that nobody was severely injured or died. Thank you that we cannot contact the insurance company. Thank you that we cannot turn on the engine and car is stopped. Thank you that there is a wonderful plan of yours in this accident. I worship you because you will make everything good for us, although I cannot see anything at the moment.' When I gave thanks to God for each matter, joy had been generated inside me. I was filled with thanks to God thinking, 'Everything will be OK. God is with us, protects us, and makes everything good.'
At that moment, I was spoken to by God, 'Turn on the engine again.' So I told my husband to try to turn on the engine again. .....The engine worked! We drove very slowly and finally reached home.
"This is a miracle"
My mother was very happy that we were OK in the accident. She said 'God protected us. He is alive.' Her faith grew through that incident. We could contact the insurance company on the next day, which is the 1st of January, a new year day and they carried our car to our home in Yokohama by a tow truck. The driver said, 'Are you sure you are not injured at all? the car is so badly damaged. This is the miracle!' So we had chance to testify. I said, 'we are Christians. Our God saved us.' I passed the magazine' kumo no aida ni aru niji' and the newspaper 'mikoe shinbun', praying that someday this person will believe in God and have a blessed life.
The Lord makes everything good
We had been driving the car for 10 years and it was high time to change car. But we were worried because there was no value for that car because of the accident. Moreover, it cost some if we ask people to come and pick up the car in order to throw it away. However, some vehicle insurance was paid to us, and we could purchase a new car with good discounted price through the car dealer. The new car was sent to our house. I was surprised to see the number plate. It happened to be 828, just like book of Rome 8:28. God makes everything good. What made me happy the most was that my husband's salvation got nearer by this accident and my mother's faith was strengthened. Since this accident, my husband asks me to pray for God's protection on him every time he drives. I am very grateful that I could testify how wonderful God is and that God's works are fulfilled when we give thanks to Him.
Reprinted from monthly magazine ' kumo no aida ni aru niji' May 2005 issue