Resignation, job-change, vacation... All is solved at once, and financial blessing, too!
It is not done for a promise of position change in company where is dispatch destination, and also it is rejected an application for vacation. I prayed to God to leave all to God because of my powerless which can't solve anything myself.
Traffic accident
On 1 st of March, 2010, with strong shock, bang, I was spilt from a car seat. When I came to consciousness, asphalt-paved surface is right next to my face and move to slip. I joined to Winter Hakuba Camp sponsored by church. On Monday after vacation, I had big car accident which turned over and lie on its side by my company picked car to go to work. I broke my five ribs, and was brought to hospital by ambulance, and had to cure at home. In this time, I worked as assistant of registered customs specialist to follow the necessary procedures for export and import freight at customs broker. One day after about two weeks from starting home remedy, company where is dispatched destination told me attendance request. I had pain in my body, but I back to work because I had promise to attend to registered customs specialist which I hope, and also I felt no more chance forever. I return to work pushing ached body.
My request for reassignment was not answered.
I returned to work, but there was no indication to do my request work even I wait for a long time. I dare to ask it to team leader of my workplace, a team leader said to wait for a little more because it is difficult to take time to teach now. I give thanks to God about this. But I just start church life. It is not able to give thanks to God from my heart against difficulties. Soon, leader needs to teach to new employee and worker who is assigned by personnel changes. It became more difficult situation to use the time for me. I had filled with feeling of disappointment and sorrow if it is betrayed, because I had experienced to be betrayed my request for many times from about two years. Even in such a situation, I persuade my self "he may let me work into my desired work." And I keep working with praying to God to get the job of registered customs specialist. There was no change on my situation. Then, a person who is dispatched after me reassigned on the job of registered customs specialist. I couldn't stand for vexation and sadness, and I rushed into the restroom each time. And I accused hot thought and give thanksgiving to God and prayed.
Rejected application for vacation
I have problems for vacation application for job-change, resignation, and Israel team and some. I prayed for these everyday. Especially, I would love to join for Israel team which is a missionary team to be sent on November of church's start year once a year. So, I look forward the time if which timing for applying vacation is able to take the vacation safely. The time is close to the end of September. Just as I am about to think that I have to apply for vacation, suddenly, I had a talk about reassignment from director of work place and was said to answer during today. The suggested work was a work which is able to make the best use of my license. I had a feeling to try, but I was troubled what I should do because it is impossible to take two weeks vacation at the new work place I had strong feeling that I want to go to his Israel team anyway. I plan to talk about vacation first, and tell chief to want to take vacation from 1 st to 15 th of November. There was business result to be given two weeks vacation in my past team. So I thought it easy. But I was not given two weeks vacation because a vacation rule changed from meeting between managerial position.
To give thanksgiving to God with jump !
At the night, I give thanksgiving to God with jumping about problems of what I was not given vacation, resignation, and job-change, moving house. I kept it for a week, then when start to think that it is impossible to dance from tiredness moreover, I noticed that my feeling became stronger to quit the company. I became able to think to do looking for a job regardless the frame of regular employee, and I register to some temporary staff recruitment agency, Then, I kept praying for Israel team, resignation, and job-change, moving house. But when I heard the word of wisdom and knowledge in (my church's) Sunday service, I got antsy if a choice of resignation is wrong and not God's plan. I was prayed through Pastor P. and given a word of prophecy, " keep praying until having confidence." From the day, I decide to pray for ten hours as my goal. (The time just started) was simple content, "Please let me go to Israel." While I kept pray deeply, it is added a problem of resignation, and next is job-change, moving house. At the last, I prayed for all problems that I kept praying. If I think now, because these problems are all connected, and pray for all problems, I could see result on those problems. Then when I prayed more then ten hours, I noticed that my heart is hurt very much. I noticed that a thing which I was disappointed my request many times by company's circumstances and had hard and sad feeling, and a thing which conceal the feeling, and convince myself, and kept working. I thought that I don't want to hurt myself moreover, but want to treat myself, then, I decided resignation.
I leave all things to God.
Even though I decided resignation, I was not given next job, and there was no explanation for reassignment, and for vacation, it was just persisted not to be able to give it, then there was not any change. In uneasy feeling, I was cornered in uneasy thought at last. I was shattered my powerless and foolish that I didn't solve just a problem. I could realize that I don't have power to solve even a problem from the bottom of my heart, and I thought that I have no choice but to leave all things to God. I ask help to God, and I who can't do anything besides rely on to God, prayed with feeling like felling from the bottom of my heart. It was almost close prayer like shout.
All things solved at the same time.
Soon, I had call from a person in charge of temporary staff recruitment agency. I was asked about vacation and work. I talked the actual situation till now. I conveyed that the subject of vacation is not able to give way to change, and I did not hesitate to conduct the resignation either. The person in charge of me told me to leave all things because the person talked to the company of dispatch. At 18 th of October, this day became wonderful day. I praise God. I was given vacation for joining Israel team ! Not only that, I resign the company of dispatch on the end of October, and was given new work. After I back from Israel team, a new work place is waiting for me. Usually, it has rule between companies that have to tell about resignation before more than one month from the day. So, I haven't imagine to be able to resign for ten days. Also for house, there is company's dormitory in the suburbs of Tokyo. If I become to work at Haneda, I can stay there. I was so surprised such an expected result. And all problems solved at a same time, then, I am so happy and happy. After I close house door, I rejoice with jump after throw out my bags. It is unthinkable thing that just only God's hand move. God works for me, and solve all problems at a same time. Praise the Lord !
Traffic accident is also benefit.
And God answer one more prayer for me. I prayed to be given a half of expense for Israel team. Before Israel team, I was paid consolation money for traffic accident apart from doctor's fee from insurance company. It was just a half of Israel team expense. God change traffic accident to benefit, and give me the expense through unexpected way. A waiting state ticket for Israel team was given safely, I could join in my long-cherished Israel team. During the team, in the bus to Jerusalem, I was listening a song in the 10 th series of YASURAGI-NO-UTA song book I thought that I make stronger myself. I noticed it. God made me strong till I can respond well against customers' violent languages through experience which I who was difficult and felt even fear to talk with people, think hard and trying. I remember a word of God, "Persevere as training." I noticed that God give me training to make me strong. Then, I filled out joyful with giving thanks to God. I praise the Lord.
(Reprinted by monthly publication "Rainbow in the Clouds" April, 2001)