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Praise the Lord from the Rocky Mountains! (Praise The Lord!)
“Praise the Lord ! from the Rocky Mountains” is a popular series in monthly publication “The Appearance of a Rainbow in the Clouds” (kumonoaidaniaruniji Publishing Co.Ltd). This content is reprinted just as the word containing thanksgiving testimony of pastor Kamidate.
Denver city has streets named Alameda and Holly in. Around the center where those 2 streets cross, there were Jewish school and Jewish community center, and many synagogues. This place is known as Jewish area. Jewish in Denver is not so many people, 68,000 people. But in this Jewish area, Saturday is like staying in Israel because men wearing black clothes and hat and kippa, and women wearing long skirt go to synagogue. Supermarket in this area set Jewish foods called coshell richly.
In the end of last year, I bought condominium built 25year ago in this Jewish area. 1st floor is garage, 2nd is living room and one bedroom, 3rd is loft.
For getting house, I have something to pray. It is a house which has no claim from up and down floor about making noise. From this point, this house is perfect. Also, this living room has good size to use for worship service.
When we start searching house, God tell me to find in this area. But I couldn’t find any house in my budget. So, I keep searching better house in other area. But God said that the direction is different. So, I follow the God’s calling. Then, I could find this house after searching house again. This is a little bit old, but I like the calm atmosphere with profound meaning in its own way.
I have actually a reason to buy our house. It is because my daughter’s father passed away four years ago, then a pension started to be send to my daughter. But I have to use it for my daughter with actual sight. I never even dreamed that I would be able to have a house. In realism, God’s leading is far and away higher over our thought. Praise the Lord!
There are a counter in the middle of kitchen and living room in the Condominium. I like to drink coffee many times in sitting tall bar stool. Recently, I get used to American strong sweet completely. I feel sometimes lack on Japanese slightly sweet snack.
At a few times after I, love such a strong sweet, know my husband, he used to bring blueberry muffin. To tell the truth, I failed my important wedding which decide my life because of being blinded by blueberry muffin. I had image a swee---eet wedding life like blueberry muffin in him whom bring it everyday and everyday, (I hope that all reader read “wedding blessed by God” written by Paster Isaiah Kihara, and learn good wedding from my heart, not failed in such situation.)
This wedding used to be sweet life like blueberry muffin, Real wedding life became hottest life like jalapeno of Mexican food. I could know the life was not so sweet.
Then, I experienced a pain to divorce during pregnant. I cried a lot of times.
In the pain, God lead me to meet a pastor of The Lord’s Christian Center, then, teach me “to give thanksgiving to God”. In the thanksgiving each of things which I was just taught, I was given freedom from fear, uneasiness and hatred. And my injured heart was healed completely.
Bible said “God worked everything and make benefit.” Now, I really feel this word truth. My biggest failed wedding. But my ex-husband’s birth place became my God’s calling place. Ex-husband who didn’t pay the expense of compensation and bringing up children, and even of maternity. But I was given a house because of this ex-husband. Worst was reversed best.
If I didn’t know “to thanksgiving to God”, I may walk in dark life to keep regret in my past all the time. I may sing “hate, pain and misfortune myself” with a warble and feeling and expression having microphone in one hand in karaoke store or some place at town
Then naturally, I have never come to Denver because I didn’t think I want to listen to De of “Denver” where my ex-husband’s birth place.
But thanksgiving to God changes life great. We, my daughter and I, walk in brightness in God’s blessing at this Denver. On this wonderful blessing, I praise the Lord from my heart.
Praise the Lord!
(Reprinted from monthly publication “The Appearance of a Rainbow in the Clouds” on March 2007)