A letter of recommendation
Praise the Lord ! from the Rocky Mountains
“Praise the Lord ! from the Rocky Mountains” is a popular series in monthly publication “The Appearance of a Rainbow in the Clouds” (kumonoaidaniaruniji Publishing Co.Ltd). This content is reprinted just as the word containing thanksgiving testimony of pastor Kamidate.
It is so fast that the time passes. My daughter who was born quite recently I thought will graduate middle school soon. It ends on May. So, she selects high school. American high school is different with Japanese. There is not an entrance examination In one school, there are classes of special program for people who took especially high score at an entrance examination, and other class for other people. Seeing from school district, she belongs to George Washington high school it East high school. But when we pray, we are taught by God that God does not lead her to those two schools. In continuing the leading, I felt to be led to Art school. This school is combined junior and high school. So usually, start is from sixth grade. If we want to join from middle, we need to wait a vacancy. It sounds like hard to enter, but I led her try.
It is audition instead of writing. It needs essay titled "who I want to belong to this school?", and letters of recommendation from school music and other class teacher where she go, and resume. She took singing audition. Accident is happened on the day before the day for audition. It seems like American style. People must take the audition with formal dress like professional. So, I took her to a beauty salon on the day before the audition day. She left school earlier than usual for 30 minutes and went to a beauty salon. She thought only of her hairstyle, and forgot to take an important letter of recommendation 100%. She didn't notice at all. When she left the beauty salon, the time was close to 7:00 p.m. When she was eating dinner at the immediate McDonald's, suddenly she remember about a letter of recommendation. But the time was already late. I thought that "She really exert the gift in such timing." Because she inherits my gene, I gave up so much this "careless". But I gave thanksgiving to God.
Then, by chance, she had music teacher's phone number. So, she could have a letter of recommendation from music teacher. The left is science teacher. We couldn't find from directory assistance because of a lot of same first and family name. She had a classmate of daughter of her school principal. My daughter asked her to teach science teacher's contact address as her last resort. But here is USA. Here is different from Japan. The answer was that school principal didn't have other teacher's personal information. I thought "we lost hope." But I change my mind, and gave thanksgiving to God thoroughly with my daughter waiting bus at bus station in the wintry sky. If we can't have a letter of recommendation, there will be God's best. Anyhow, we just give thanksgiving to God, thanksgiving to God... There we some people around, but we kept giving thanksgiving to God because no one understand Japanese. An unknown girl come close and suddenly told like this. "My name is Hope. How do you say Hope in Japanese?" I was surprised and think. "Hope is coming." My heart became bright somehow. Then,. at the late night, a miracle was happened.
To my daughter's cell phone, message was sent from school principal's daughter. It is written that "My father wrote a letter of recommendation for you. I put it in my post. You can bring it in late night or early morning. Just open and bring it freely." It was totally unexpected development. On a gray paper with excellent frame, it was written the sentence and signature to recommend my daughter by her school principal. Praise the Lord ! In the worst situation, God's best plan was working. Hallelujah !
(Reprinted from monthly publication “The Appearance of a Rainbow in the Clouds” on March 2011)