TLCCC Tokyo Antioch Church 日本の霊の壁をITが打ち砕くか — Breaking Strongholds in Japan by the Internet ?

Breaking Strongholds in Japan by IT ? - One Day in A Stone



Astone staff’s daily life


Please let me update you on the details of Astone staff’s daily life in this blog for a week starting today.

Please enjoy.

Internet Commitee


Astone Corp. creates a website of Tokyo Antioch Church. On every Fri. at midnight, we have the committee. During the prayer, God shows us that we can create the website according to His will. Is this our character? They are wide awake. What wonderful spiritual gifts!

Top page of Tokyo Antioch Church’s website in this week


How will Tokyo Antioch Church’s website be changed? God gives us various kinds of idea every week as banners. This is Tokyo Antioch Church’s website as of last Saturday. You can see it more wider when you click.

I’ve finised to create our banner


I’ve created our banner entitled “One day in A Stone”.

I e-mail to a staff member as a coder just after I’ve finised to create it.

Block hacking


I’ve received information about blocking unauthorized access every morning. However automatically, several hundred or thousand hacking is being blocked out. 832 hacking was blocked out yesterday. I thank God’s protection.


CMS website


This time, TLCS Seminary Website is created as CMS of WordPress.

So the staff of TLCS Seminary can update by themselves, and latest information is posted promptly.

The cherry-trees are in full blossom


The cherry-trees are in full blossom at near my office.

Hacking to server is being automatically blocked out. But it infrequently blocks out some data from our staff members.




Pastor Yamada give a warning to a staff member in charge of sites of Nationwide Charismatic Meeting. Be faithful to advance the work of God!

Our site in English


I’ve got a request for updating at Tokyo Antioch Church website in English.. Ready to start for my work!

Multilanguage site


Multilanguage site at Tokyo Antioch Church is advancing.
Now I’m creating a site of Christian Film Festival in Hakuba on Feb.