Breaking Strongholds in Japan by IT ? - One Day in A Stone



Are you our staff?


Are you our staff?

Hikaru came directly to Astone from a company working as a part-time.

His figuar is just like Nikapoka, but he is a IT solider.

Designing a banner


Intent look

Our staff members are continually gathering.



The request to repair a dead link on the second hierarchy of the website of Tokyo Antioch Church was given by the Internet
Committee Meeting.

The website of Tokyo Antioch Church is administrated precisely !

We repair quickly!


Red and white ume blossom


This is Amagai.

Today I’m in Astone office. I can find a tiny ume tree nearby. There’s red and white ume blossoms in one tree. I take a photo every year. This is the photo that I took the end of March.

Bank and Postal Office


This is Amagai, accounting.

On Wed. 10th before and after is the day of transfer.

At postal office,

There’re 3 ATM at the bank.

Check the document of English


This is Phoebe.

Now I’m in a certain office to check the English documents.

Shinagawa Tax Office


I am a treasure, Amagai.

A Stone Inc. settles the accounts on March and needs to declare the corporation tax to the end of May.

Today, I went to the Shinagawa Tax Office to get the appendix table 7 (1) which isn’t usually sent.


We’re going home


Now we’re going home.

After that, we’ll work at home.

We’re in troubles in a crowded train.

Members Translating into Foreign Languages on Website


This is Ms Hashizume, Malaysia.

She is a translator in English website of Tokyo Antioch Church and “Photo News”.  She translated the application form into English at the time of Synergoi Camp. Thank you!  And please continue to do!  :-)

Outlet is located at the above in Malaysia, isn’t it?
It is interesting.




This is an external hard disk which I use.
It’s 500G and useful because I move a lot.