Breaking Strongholds in Japan by IT ? - One Day in A Stone





This is our translators. They translate our websites and so on. We appreciate your good works.

And there’re more translators. I’d like to show you as soon as I receive their photos.

I visit our costumer


This is Amagai. I’m in charge of sales.
I’ll visit our costumer at 10:00 a.m to explain about a written estimate.

I started at JR Sagamihara at 8:00 a.m.

I visit our costumer – 2


This is Amagai. I’m in charge of sale.
I’ve arrived at Waseda on Tozai line at 9:40 am.

I’ve arrived at a certain church’s building before 10 minutes.
I praise, pray and proclaim the victory.
And I breathe deeply…move forward!

Windows OS on Mac


This is our company’s PC.
I don’t know the reason why it’s Mac.

I received MacBook pro with WindowsXP OS by booting camp from my company. MacOS has been erased.

This is Mac but OS is Window.




Is it OK?

Now I’m checking my job.

Building an orphanage site


Now I have a meeting with Pastor Majikina of “The Cornerstone Orphanage”.

He said that he’d like to hear the lyrics “The Word of God” when they open the orphanage’s website.


Preparing for the afternoon


I belong to office work group.
Now it’s lunch time.

At lunch time, I usually go to Donkihote to buy some donuts near at my office. Will you want to eat some sweets as using PC ? (LOL)


I bought some cho and candy.
Keep up the good work also in the afternoon!

Team Arbeit


Today I work as a part-time job in Fujimino City, Saitama Ken. What a beautiful field mustard!

As soon as I return home, I have to edite our movies. I’ll get over by prayer with  energy drink.

Let’s enjoy learning PC and Movie


Astone provides learning about PC and Movie.
For further information, please contact TLCS Seminary

I visit our costumer – 3


I’m Amagai, in charge of sale.

Meeting has finished. The condition has changed. Thankfully, I have to estimate the cost of website again. Now I’m having brunch at McD in Waseda where PC is able to be charged.