南十字星に向って ブラジル宣教チーム チームの今現在写真中継

Photonews about a Mission Trip to Brazil, Flying off toward Southern Cross, is being Updated


Waiting outside the plane


We are told to wait outside and we got off the plane. Please pray for us.

Meal ticket will be distributed.


The ticket equivalent to 10 dollars will be distributed for meal expenses.
Here is a long line of people to get the ticket.
Can we get the ticket before we go on board?
Is any shop open?



Pastor Paul went to find it. I am sorry.

So far!


We found it!

McDonald’s and Soup Bar, etc…
Pastor Paul thank you very much!

A helper has come!


We walked and walked.. It’s a long way! to get McDonald’s and soup bar. Thank you very much. Pastor Paul was looking for the shop. It’s so far. Pastor Paul said that a helper has appeared.
Thank you very much.

Departure time is fixed at 1 o’clock


They announce that our flight will depart at 1 o’clock. It is delayed for three hours.

Foodstuffs I redeemed a coupon for meal


Soup soaks into my exhausted body.

Wi-fi doesn’t work


When the plane had a trouble and could not start, rental wi-fi had a trouble and it didn’t work. It was caused by the upgrading by the operation company. It was hard to believe. Immediately, I sent email from my mobile, made them upgrade it. I give thanks to the Lord.

We arrived at San Paulo!


We arrived at San Paulo. everyone is fine.
thank you for your prayer.

Cargo has left behind in the rain


The door hasn’t repaired yet,
There are lonely cargo was left behind.

There are lonely cargo has left behind.

Prayer of thanks giving


The plane is a long time in taking off.
The reason was known, we give thanks to the Lord and pray.

Time of devotions


A red glow in the morning sky is beautiful….