南十字星に向って ブラジル宣教チーム チームの今現在写真中継

Photonews about a Mission Trip to Brazil, Flying off toward Southern Cross, is being Updated


Brazil is a extensive country


We entered in to Brazil. We are flying over Amazon river. We are to fly more than 2 and half hours from now.

Reunion with Missionary Matsumoto


She still seems to be living on the opposite side of the earth.



What gorgeous food for lunch! This is the typical Brazilian meat dish called “Churrasco”. This is steak that is carved up tableside. There are many kinds of meats such as beef, lamb and so on.

Before we serve at Assembleia de Deus Church


We arrived at the church and gave our presents to Pastor Hilário and his wife.

They are very pleased.

Praise song in Japanese


They sang praises in Japanese for us. It is a blast from the past!!

Going to Buy Water


A bakery is within about one minute from the hotel. It has cake, juice and Yakult.
We know fans of Yakult are here in Brazil!

Picking Us Up in Time


Here is the one who is to come to pick us up.
It is about fifteen minutes to a church.


Large Chapel with the Height to Mezzanine Level


A large chapel, where more than three hundred congregation are able to attend.

Singing some praises in Japanese


They sang hymns in Portuguese and Japanese.


Around fifty people?
Very powerful singing praises.

Message by Pastor Paul Akimoto


Pastor Amagai delivered the testimony of God. Then, Pastor Paul Akimoto preached the message from Genesis 12:1 to 4.

He mentioned very strongly with the testimony of God about his son, Benjamin. Many shouted “Amen, Hallelujah” repeatedly.

The power that is not usually seen. . . . . . !

At first, there were some seats still open, but by this time it was a full house!

The Time of Ministry


Fifty to sixty people came to the altar to ask for prayer seeking God’s healing. Members of the team prayed together.

After the meeting finished


We had a time of fellowship. We didn’t understand their language but communicated with many shaking hands and greeting. We could talk a lot with the family members who used to live in Japan. We got along with them….!