2012.5. 南十字星に向って ブラジル宣教チーム チームの今現在写真中継

Photonews about a Mission Trip to Brazil, Flying off toward Southern Cross, is being Updated

Mission Team will be sent to Brazil. Pray For This Team.


A mission team will be sent to Brazil from 21 through 26 May.
From today, we start a countdown blog.
Please visit this blog.

And also we appreciate your prayers for this team. The previous team was sent to Brazil in 2008. So we’d like to report with some pictures in those days.

Please enjoy.

Flying to Southern Cross!


We’ll fly from Japan to Brazil via the U.S..

Between America and Brazil is a night flight.

The title is so romantic that I’m lost in thought.

Introduction of a Team Member


This is Pastor Yamashita of Yokkaichi Zion church.

He is a good sense of humor and very friendly.

International License


This is Yamashita.

We will move by a rental car in Brazil. So we need an internatinal license!

Brazil is not a member Geneve Traffic treaty, even so we are able to drive in Brazil.  It’s weird.

Once when I rented a car in Greece , I could use Japanese drivers license, also in Australia.

It’s strange.

The Necessities #1


That is a guitar.  For several years I have brought this with me whenever I join a overseas mission trip.

I have just given this guitar.

Iguacu Cafe!


It is the super delicious Brazilian coffee in the church office.

Pastor Kato brings it anytime. Thank you.

Tidbits of Knowledge about Brazil #1


This is tidbits of knowledge about Brazil.

What is Brazilian national flag look like ?

It’s familiar with soccer game…

It has a yellow diamond-shaped box on a deep green back ground, which has 27 stars in the sky of the southern hemisphere.

27 stars mean 26 states and a capital city.

Introduction of a team member


This is Sakaki. She is 23 years old, 2 years old younger than pastor Paul, but, please pray for my physical condition.

Introduction of a team member


This is Amagai. They will go to the Southern Hemisphere. I need to remember that the sun on the north, and  shadows are made to the south. I hammer into my head this idea, and run not to be at a loss. Please pray for us.

Introduction of a Team Member


Pastoring evangelist Murakami of Okayama Philadelphia Church.

She is looking at calendar and comfirming number of days to the team to start with tense.

International License No. 2


I am Murakami.
I went to the Okayama city south police station near by my house, and they made a international license for me.
I shall not forget to bring it with me.



I am Murakami.
There is a certain position for me in This team, so I am praying to ascertain what that is to the Lord ever day.