南十字星に向って ブラジル宣教チーム チームの今現在写真中継

Photonews about a Mission Trip to Brazil, Flying off toward Southern Cross, is being Updated

Trivia of Brazil 8


What is the general food in Brazil?

I heard that they have a cup of coffee, milk, pan, better, cheese and vegetable for breakfast. They have especially beef, rice, bean dish, salad, chicken, fish and paste are popular for lunch. Also they have Majeka flour as the side dish. It’s called “Farofa”.

This is the bean dish.

Worship at San Paul in 2007


The person as a missionary, who knows Missionary Matsumoto, rent the place for our worship service, and welcomed us. The Japanese umbrella decorated on the ceiling.



Today is the Sunday service.
We’re heading for Koenji.

All of sudden, I can see the number plate saying 777….
I pray that God would lead us according to His will.

Worship service 2 in 2007


Pastor Nagato and Missionary Matsumoto gave us a seminar.

Worship service 3 in 2007


Pastor Paul Akimoto asked about their prayer requests from missionaries who rented us the place for the service.

Members introduction


Mrs. Saito as one of missionary staff members, is happy because all members’ visas were obtained.

Everyone, please pray for our Brazil team.

Cell Phone


This is the cell phone and the battery that Pastor Morihara used in Brazil. The cell phone of Pastor Morihara will be accompanied with this team.



This is Yamashita.

I’m given a tutorial on Portuguese.

I feel sleepy….

Time of Praise


Now it’s the time of praise.
There’s the deep presence of God.

We wake up!!

A team will be sent to Brazil


Evangelist Saito, one of the mission staff members, asks for team’s prayer requests.

Battery charger


This is Sakaki.

I bought a battery charge.
Everything is ready now!

Intercessory prayers


This is Yamashita.

Many people pray with fasting for us.
Thank you!