2012年8月 大慌てドタバタ収録 最後の追い込み、歌集12集を目指して

From now


“I think I will make applicant songs from now!”
Ms.Israel Mariko says.

Ms. Fukazawa


She is one of regular applicant of Yasuragi no uta!
Ms. Fukazawa☆
She is asking about a sound source with Mr. Toyohisa.

Frog lover


Sarah says that she wants to write word for music, putting on a last spurt☆
She is a frog lover.

Ms. Aya Senoguchi 3


This Scripture sustains me^^

Ms. Megumi Obata 6


A Blog.
My husband always answers, “It is nice.” or “OK” whenever I ask his imprassion about songs which I was given.( ̄◇ ̄;)
But when I let him listen to one song, “This is wonderful song.”, he said.

Introduction of a member of a selection committee 1


This is Pastor Paul Akimoto, who is a chairman of a selection committee.
And Pastor Peter Nagatoh who is a president of The Appearance of a Rainbow in the Cloud.
Pastor Akimoto will listen al applicant songs in the between his ministry in Hokkaido.
Pastor Nagatoh is listening to the songs hard. I hope both of them will be able to finish listening all before the mission trip to Uganda.


She is a walking dictionary of Yasuragi no uta!
A wife of Pastor Yamakawa ☆

Many her msical piece have been adopted. This time also she will apply.

introduction of a member of a selection committee 2


Pastor Paul Yumino, the president of The Livers in the Desert Music.
Songbooks of Yasuragi no uta, CD has been released from the Livers in the Desert Music.
This photo is took from his testimony film.

Let’s try!


The final deadline will be on August 23 by mail, By e-mail it will be accepted until August 25 10:00p.m.!!

I asked Missionary Hiroko Matsumoto, What about composing music?
She answered with smile!

Is she a highly motivated!?

Mari chan!


She says that this time she will apply three songs this week!
As usual, she looks calm!

A night watchman


An applying for Yasuragi no uta vol.12 is nearing an end in this week, Pator Yamakawa is in charge of this work, it must be busy week for him.(^-^)/

Famous songs!


Pastor Inagawa who composed a song,”To the Lord, with all my heart”(Yasuragi no uta vol.3) or other famous songs!
I hope that God will gives her wonderful new songs again!!