2012.8. 教会の夏の一週間



First, singing praises to God!


Prayer Meeting


This is The Appearance of A Rainbow in the Clouds Publication.
We have a prayer meeting for the ministry.



The message by Pastor Kayano in Wednesday Prayer Meeting!

It was mentioned about thanksgiving to God from Psalm 50 today.



Pastor Ryoko shared the testimony of God’s healing!


Ms. Shimizu delivered the testimony of God about her work!


Ms. Mari also shared the testimony of God about her work!
Everyone has experienced wonderful God in his work.

Astone, Update of Websites


When it becomes cool early in the evening,
we almost start to update websites of local churches.

We arranged this site with wordpress, too.
(It means that it can be updated from remote side.)

About making websites, design, CMS sites of WordPress and others,
please contact Astone http://www.astone.co.jp

Division of Africa, the Mission


We are waiting the application for Uganda team (*^^*)
She was telling with embarrasment a little.



Staff members who are reading completed Mikoe News Press sitting on their heel.
One of them is shaking!


After Serving


Head cook of Mikoe News Press,
is Mr. Masukawa!
He is working hard for preparing Chijimi, today’s menu.
( ´ ▽ ` )ノCooking is heart of love!


Dinner At Mikoe News Press


Chijimi was done!


This is Mr. Hajime who just started to eat.
This is Mr. Masukawa who is just watching.


Mr. Fujii Is On Business


Somehow for two years he became in charge of Nagano for sale fifteen years ago.

At that time, he always had a thought why he went to Nagano prefecture from Tokyo in order to work where he had no friends.

Then, now twice a year, he goes to Hakuba in Nagano prefecture for a church camp by bus from Tokyo.

In this year’s camp, he was entrusted with a leader of bus. He knew distance between roads and parking on highways like a driver of bus!

Everything works for his good!


Northern Alps


