Now, he is praying that he could obey His will! He didn’t attended for a long time.
Today’s service finished. God bless you, and so long!
After the Wednesday prayer meeting finished, the meeting of Kokoro Gospel looks held in chapel!
In our chapel, the practice by Gifts is being done, too.
They are on the practice for Kokoro Gospel!
This is Mr. John of Gifts, who will participate in Kokoro Gospel for the first time as a performer.
Now he in on training to increase their own songs!
It’s late at night but working to update by staff members is continueing. . . Ms. Emi, thank you to update.
Gifts had a meeting, too!
The practice by Gifts ended and we are going home today!
Good night!
Hastily I returned home in Tochigi. I left at 3 in early morning .Along the way I tried to seek cooliness in Nasu Highland and extended my legs.
This is the first time in about 30 years.It’s cool in the trees.I noticed the shaved ice with natural ice shop,.
It’s long time no see.
Prophet seminar:
This is the photo that it was the prophet seminar by Pastor Akimoto.
I pritended to take photo of myselfe and tried to take a photo of Pastor Madoka behind me.