花と水と仏の国を行く タイ・カンボジア宣教の旅

Mission Trip to Thailand and Cambodia: Land of Flowers, Waters, and Buddha

The Reason Why

2012/06/11 ·

What the staffer said was Pastor Kasahara is in charge of check-in luggage, so he was asked about a lighter that was found in some one’s bag! So he was asked to check it!

Who did it——!
Oh, no! It’s me, Majikina!!
I forgot that I put it in my bag for mosquito incense!
I’m soooooory.

At last the case was settled.

They don’t allow us to put a lighter in the check-in luggage,but in carry-on bag, we arevpermitted bring just one!

Really? I thought the opposite way??
Anyway,I am thankful that finally I could bring it with me!
There are differences depend on airline.