花と水と仏の国を行く タイ・カンボジア宣教の旅

Mission Trip to Thailand and Cambodia: Land of Flowers, Waters, and Buddha

From Today, the Thailand and Cambodia team’s countdown


From 11 through 16 June, a team will be sent to Thailand and Cambodia .

We are being updating on this blog. Don’t miss it!

This photo is in the Internet Committee. They decide each mission team’s blog always.

The committe is usually held at midnight, though all members, include someone who are sleepy at noon, are full of energy!

A Subleader


He has already been to 78 countries for the mission trip.

The countries where he will go this time he has visited before, the mission works is going to become a full-scale!



Gifts also join the team to Thai & Cambodia.

A concert by Gifts is held at the Cornerstone Orphanage in Cambodia!

Ms. Ruth Maeda who is in charge of the Cambodian orphanage is so glad because she has prayed to God that Gifts will come to the orphanage and sing in front of the orphans, and also the orphans are looking forward to listening their songs very much!

Gifts also is praying .

Team members!


This is John Akimoto.

This is thrid time for him to go to cambodia, but this is frist time as a mission trip.

Probably, he will be given a filming as his assignment. Also he seems happy for that.

Team Members #4


This is Pastor Kayano, who is a leader of Gifts.

This photo a little bit dim, do you see?

She says that she is looking forward to seeing children at the orphanage in Cambodia.

Team Members #2


This is Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara of the Servants-of-God Nagasaki Church.

He has been to cambodia more than ten times.

Team Members #4


This is Pastor Samuel Kasahara, who is  the pivot of  Gifts.

Also he is a sub leader who is responsible for making banner for homepage, so sometimes

He is called”Mr. Banahara”!

I suppose it is first time for him to visit to Cambodia, we are looking forward to work of Gifts as a praise band.

Team Members #5


This is Evangelist, Satoko Yamaka who is a  member of La Spoza, and also a wife of Pastor Yamakawa.(^-^)/

Team Members #6


This is Evangelist David Urushima, who is a lead vocalist of  Gifts.

He is going to work as a praise band.

The orphans in Cambodia are looking forward to listening to their songs.

Team Members #7


This is Evangelist Fujita, who is doing chorus of  Gifts.

He is going to work as the praise band in Thai & Cambodia with freindly appearance, he is strong in Asian countries.

Team Members #8


This is Pastor Toshiya Matsumoto of the Servants-of-God Nagasaki Church.

This is first time for him to join a practical mission trip.

I heard that he is in charge of PA.

Team Memebers #9


This is Noriko Sasaki of the Crown of  Life Fukuoka church (Left).

She plays  an active part in “Rejoice”, a gospel group.