花と水と仏の国を行く タイ・カンボジア宣教の旅

Mission Trip to Thailand and Cambodia: Land of Flowers, Waters, and Buddha

Oh dear

2012/06/14 ·

I: “Pastor Akimoro, great thing happened in front of us, on the left side!!”

Pastor Akimoto: “What happens?”

I: “The school where is in the left-hand side said that they wants Gifts to come and sing at the school!!”

Pastor Akimoto: ” That’s wonderful, Hallelujah!!!”

Our conversation was like this, anyway, a director of the school said to the local pastors to come and sing a little while, suddenly we had a chance to have a mini-concert!!

Pastor Akimoto’s comment is as follows.

“The Praise Band cut a new works through nothing.”
He said like this!

The work of God through the Praise Band is awesome!

Probably it is an elementary school.