Here’s Pastor Kayano, the leader of music team in our church.
And, the leader of “GIFTS.”
In Thailand and Cambodia, as a praise band, God uses “GIFTS” joining the team this time.
Expecting God, how He leads and guides everything.

Ms. Ruth Maeda,
who is in charge of the orphanage in Cambodia (left.)
She joins the team while it is in Cambodia this time.
It becomes the fifteenth year this year since she was sent to Cambodia as a missionary and a staff member of the orphanage in June, 1997. May God profoundly reveal the key point the mission work in Cambodia is getting full-fledged through this team. I pray.
In Cambodia there is rubbish dump with garbage collected from across the country.
It has inhabitants who collect things to make a little money for and sell for their lives.
Some of them are children.
It surely comes when Good News is preached to them.
Since the mission overseas is full-fledged, Gospel get preached to any areas even in Cambodia.
Today, Pastor Kasahara visited the office of the orphanage ministry.
We met for revision of the website of the Cornerstone Orphanage.
Through the website, some relationship and some mission often got opened even in Tokyo Antioch Church.
In Europe and Brazil, the route of preaching gospel was opened through the website. It shows the key point how God’s work is expanding.
Now, the count-down blog started for the outreach team to Thailand and Cambodia.
It is considered that the website is used all round Thailand and Cambodia!
Expecting God.
The photo shows Thak dishes members ate in their visiting Thailand in the outreach team to Myanmer. Most of them are based on Chinese dishes.
It is hardly risk because most of dished are known well and heated enough. It seldom has possibilities of diarrhea. Chinese dishes are best food for mission overseas because they are located everywhere.
But, how we hit depends on who orders dishes.
In that point, it may be risk.
We had Chinese dishes twice in Zambia and very best dishes the second.
It is the trick of doing mission to be careful of food in mission overseas, isn’t it?
We learned everything from Pastor Akimoto!
We will leave Japan four days later.
This time we divide the team in two, one is from Narita and the other is from Kyushu.
Pastor Isaiah Kihara of the Servants-of-God Nagasaki Chruch who join the team has been to Cambodia more than ten times and also he is the Second chief director of the Orphanage.
He joint the tour to cambodia in last January, he will see the orphans again soon since his last trip. They must be happy.