Everybody was welcomed us. Thank you very much.
Thank you for your good works.
Next, “Gifts” will give a concert in The Cornerstone Orphanage.
John takes our video about healing for a lady in the meeting.
God reveals His glory.
This is the first time for Pastor Akimoto to visit the orphanage in Cambodia.
Visna is the first children in the orphanage. He shakes hands shyly with Pastor Akimoto.
We’re so shy. But the concert has began.
Usually, children are very noisy.
However, they listen to their music quietly.
The sound became deep as John added to the “Gifts” member.
We sang “Great is Love” with children.
What a blessing!
Children gave us their hand-made floral decorations as a present.
For an infantile paralysis girl,
“Kids Praise” was give to children as gift from our Director Onojima’s wife.