Also, Mr. Hajime of Gifts always applys his music at the very last minute☆
I heard that he said applying his song singing in front of Pastor Akimomo in HOkkaido.
Of couse, it is NG.
This is Sahah who applied for Yasuragi no uta this time,too☆
She is one of experts of funny face with Shoko, who says that somdeday sho wants to conpete with sarah♫
In a history of Yasuragi no uta, both of them have an experience of winning a prize☆
Possibly, they will creat a new praise song together!? They are taling about that.
Talking about a collaboration, Migiwa and Shoko have already composed many songs together☆
One plays a piano and the other sings opening the Bible, then they record them. Later they tune in exactly, they said.
Recently most of applicants apply their songs by CD, MD, I sawe few tapes. When we made a first songbook, all were by tapes, so I feel times have changed.
We are expecting for your application.
This is a shot from rehearsal of today’s consert. If we would make The Most Applicant Songs Award, surely these two will get it.
Ryoko is playing an active role of English translation, too☆
Though, her Japanese pronunciation is strange as she sings in Japanese!?
For me, it sounds like Ha,Hi,Fu,He,Ho, when she pronounces A,I,U,E,O!
For example, “Eikoh”→”Eihoh”, “Tsukaeru”→”Tsukaheru”, like this.