We shared Psalm 122:6-9 and studied about pray for Jerusalem and mediation.
Our faith and burden for Jerusalm has been stronger.
Shalom shabat ! It is a sabbath day’s greeting like today.
The Sukkot festival started from Oct. 1th. The greeting is Chag sameach.
“Live in booths for seven days: All native-born Israelites are to live in booths.”
Leviticus 23:42
“The day pray for peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ)” is a day of the first Sunday on Octber and it is around the Sukkot festival.
In the international service in last year.
Jerusalem’s height above sea level is 825 meters .
The latitude of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are same but Jerusalem is colder than Tel Aviv.
The reason is height above sea level.
The dead sea is minus 417 meters above sea level.
The difference is 1242 meters.
The dead sea was appearing in 2 Chronicles.