Gospel group of Tokyo Antioch Church

Euqaristias is a Greek word meaning "thanks". Leave the whole world and deliver love, hope and courage to the listeners through gospel. Blogging, Updating every day! Read on.

A gospel group of five men with four male vocals and a female pianist. We perform live street performances in Tokyo 23 wards, and also have live performances throughout Japan and abroad.

L'abeille means fruit in French. As Honey bees carry flower nectar, we bring God's love to the world.

Fantasy quadruple! I am struggling with the mission to convey gospel through "Yasuragi no Uta" in Japan and overseas! It is! It is! I will show you various things from dozing to glutton on my blog!

First prize in 2005, 2006, 2007 nationwide gospel group contest. In 2006 he joined the American West Coast gospel conference for the first time in Japan. Also, Hollywood live each year. Currently active on street live including domestic and overseas.

GRACIOUS DOORS is singing a fresh healing gospel. From small children to elderly people, I hope to listen to many people around the world! Blogs are also being updated everyday! Please join us!

Uranos are Greek words meaning "heaven". I hope that praise and presence in heaven will be poured. Through gospel, I want to convey the real love and pleasure we are receiving!

Truth's diary Guitar is Joseph, Vocal is Akemi's couple's gospel group. I will write about the group's activity record, the grace I received from God, the church, and the three healthy children!

PATOLIS is a Greek word meaning hometown. I am active with a wishful desire to deliver J - GOSPEL so that the hearts of the people who listen to it will be warm. Volunteer, Gospel Duo is active around the streets.

La spoza is an Italian word for "bride". I would like to devote my heartfelt praise to the bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
The church gospel group nationwide

Notifying you of joy You are living in the street, mainly around each facility. I show you the state of the activity by blog.

This blog is about church. About school. About the family. I think that I should write it as it is every day. Please take a look at your time in your free time

We are formed of 6 female members. Aiming is to the world. I'd like to sing the original J Gospel in many countries and tell love to many people.

Based in Kansai, we are a gathering of people who love to work gospel. If you call us, we will ask you anywhere.

Members who love gospel gathered and always praise it pleasantly. Goal to the world! Through gospel, I will pass courage and hope, deep love and joy of God.

NOGI 's fluffy blog that makes gospel and sings. I usually live on the street under the name "Lightning".

Nice to meet you! I'm Presence. I am acting on the basis of the church, mainly for Japanese gospel. Thanking you in advance.

Hello, nice to meet you! I'm miracle. I am active in the church center based in Kitakyushu, Fukuoka ☆ Thank you.